Do you have several programmers that are working on a project, but you would prefer someone with more experience to organize them, structure the project, and/or review their code? Do you or your programmers have some burning questions that you would like an external opinion on?

Things I can help with include:

  • Unity – any kind of project, big or small

Why I would be good for the job:

  • I ended up leading most group projects during my education, since I usually had the most experience.
  • I worked as Lead Developer for Lucus while developing Muld.
  • I enjoy getting to know people, finding out what their strengths and weaknesses are, giving them the tasks that they would be best at and, if possible, enjoy the most, as well as recommending tutorials to fill in any knowledge gaps.

Price: 75$/520DKK per hour if just consulting part-time, or regular development rates of 50$/350DKK if full-time, with the possibility of a discount for longer projects or repeat work.